Sunday was church day. First time that Dear Husband and VacationGirl visited the Newton Christian Church. It's a little country church but the people are incredibly friendly! It was a good service. Went to eat after church so didn't get home until 2:00 - then had to turn around and leave again for Sunday night service at 4:30 and didn't get home from that until 9:30. Long Day.
The Sunday night service was a showing of the movie "Passion of the Christ" - directed by Mel Gibson. It is an extremely accurate portrayal of the last days of Jesus. However, I couldn't watch the majority of it. He was beat so badly - very violent movie! And I don't do violence well - I'm a chick-flick kinda gal.
Today, Monday, started out lazy. Two of the dogs ran away so we made the men saddle up and go looking for them. The dogs made it home on their own - about an hour before the men! It was kinda scary cuz they are great dogs and we were afraid that something would happen to them. But all is well in dogland.
Someone had the great idea that we should climb this mountain near Charlotte that has 300 stairs to the top. Hmmmm, VacationGirl things this could rank right up there with her famous tips - don't climb mountains that have 300 stairs. Don't climb anything that has 300 stairs. So we drive out to the mountain - VacationGirl is thinking about reading a book. But, foolishly, she heads up the path to the stairs, thinking that she can wait at the bottom and enjoy the beautiful day.
No one mentioned that there is a 1 mile strenuous trail to even get to the bottom of the 300 stairs. And when trail maps say strenuous, they mean strenuous! It took me an hour to trudge up, up, up the rocky trail. Dear husband stayed with me for awhile but I sent him on ahead with the camera. Someone had to take pictures, and it sure as heck wasn't going to be VacationGirl. About half way up, there was a nice bench. She rested there for a few minutes and then foolishly started walking up, up, up the path again - all the while thinking that the stairs HAVE to be close.
They weren't even close. VacationGirl finally gave up and rested - leaning on a tree. She could have gone on down to the bench but she wanted everyone to see just how far she made it. It may not have been all the way to the top, but it was at least .8 of the trail. You can tell she's not a hiker - she was thinking that coming down would be easier!
Going down the trail was MUCH harder. She thought her toes were going to poke out the front of her gym shoes - because what goes up, up, up must come down, down, down and it was steep.
This vacation seems to have a common thread so far - sore feet! And they are VERY sore! So since VacationGirl can't find an open usb port on this computer, she won't be able to download pictures until Wednesday night - you can see the new baby horse and Crowder's Mountain - the source of my sore feet!
see ya!
Crowder Mountain