Monday, December 31, 2007
Farewell 2007

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Whee, Whee, Whee All the Way Home

Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Day After the Day After
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas, Carmel, and Pecans
I made a pie! Nowanyone who knows me knows that I don't make pies. I make cookies, I make cakes, I make breakfast, I make dinner. I make lots of things, but pie is not one of those things. However, The Pioneer Woman (at thepioneerwoman.com) had the recipe for a pie that looked too good to pass up. So I tried it. As you can see from the picture, it turned out really good. Really good until we cut it. Then it decided to have to be scooped out with a spoon - guess I had a little too much carmel on the top. But even with having to scoop it out - it was still SOOO very good. Try it - you'll love it.
Tonight we're heading to a little german restaurant - I've been checking out the menu and can't decide what to pick. I know I want spatzle but there are a few really good choices. I'll let you know later.
Until then....
Monday, December 24, 2007
'Twas the Day Before Christmas
And all through the house,
The only thing stirring was
My wireless mouse.
The 18 year old's gone
Dear Husband's asleep
The dog's in the kennel
There's nary a peep.
That's taxed my rhyming skills so I'll quite while I'm ahead. We hopefully will be heading out around 5:00 in the morning. There should be little or no traffic so we should be able to breeze down to North Carolina. Then I can start taking pictures and post them here so you can see the "ranch".
So for now, I'm going to play games and wait till it's time to fix Dear Husband something to eat before he heads to work. I've got a nice sirloin just waiting in the frig.
So have a wonderful Christmas Eve - see ya later.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Pre-Christmas Travel
Nope - that's where we met Grandpa. He had been in southern Illinois visiting the old homestead and Great-Grandma (his mom). He had to come through Lexington to get home to the horses and Ramsey so he picked up an 18-year-old wingman on the way.
The weather was yuchy! High, high winds - Dear husband was driving and it felt like the car was going to blow off the highway. Lots of rain too. VacationGirl had the time of her life, though. Until we reached Kentucky, she had her own personal light show. Even though there was rain and clouds, every now and then, there was a small break in the clouds and the bright, FULL moon would peak out. But what made it really cool was how it would light up the clouds from behind - just before it would peek out. What a happy, beautiful surprise for VactionGirl. Anyone who knows her, knows she is fascinated by the moon - particually when it's full, like this morning.
We were home by 10 a.m. and continued to veg until around 4 when we ate at Outback. Then tomorrow, Christmas Eve, we pack and wait till Christmas day to head out for the farm ourselves. Dear Husband has to work Christmas Eve so we'll leave sometime Christmas morning. But VacationGirl is driving on that morning so no private light shows then - must watch the road.
Until then, Merry Christmas and safe traveling!