Which way to go - we don't know. VacationGirl and family can't seem to decide between the Grand Tetons and Nova Scotia. This is the last year for 4 years that we can take a long vacation. VacationGirl only has 3 weeks of vacation for the next 4 years since she changed jobs and she needs to use one for Spring Break, one for Christmas holidays, and one in the summer.
VacationGirl and family are leaning towards the Grand Tetons. Ok - Dear Husband and almost Graduate are leaning towards it so VacationGirl is slightly out numbered. So plans are being made and routes are being mapped and then they tell me that "Nova Scotia would be ok too".
I honestly can't decide. I see pictures of the Grand Tetons and they are beautiful but if they are not snow covered in the winter like Mt. Hood & Mt. Rainier, then VacationGirl will be VERY upset. After Colorada Springs 2 years ago, she has determined that her mountains must have snow. Now the way to ensure that would be to travel to these mountains in a month other than September but unfortunately, VacationGirl and family are at the mercy of the school systems - both High school and College. Their breaks just don't fall at the right time.
Now, Nova Scotia doesn't present those types of problems - the only issues there are not-so-good exchange rates. But after checking today, the US and Canada are almost even so it's a wash right now. It's been a few years since we've done a lighthouse tour and oceans and we would have an abundance of them on the Nova Scotia route. Those things would be rather scarce on the mountain route. Oh - and N.S. has LOBSTER - lots and lots of it. VacationGirl could have lobster for every meal - and she would.
But VacationGirl would also get to see beautiful mountains and Old Faithful if the western route was chosen. And after the Oregon trip, mountains (big one with snow) rank right up there with lighthouses. It's a tossup.
So minds will change weekly until we finally leave. Since we're being brave and not booking any hotels for either trip, it really doesn't matter.
If anyone has any thoughts - please let us know. Maybe it will help us decide.