Monday, May 26, 2008

The Bridges of Warren County

Started out to find the covered bridge in Germantown but went to the MetroParks instead. But by that point, we had the urge to see a covered bridge. Too tired to do it that Sunday so we headed back out on Monday (Memorial Day) to see the bridge. A good bit of exercise for both VacationGirl and Sha-Sha.

VacationGirl wanted to see if she could actually learn about aperture settings. Of course, she couldn't quite get the camera to do what she wanted it to do but it wasn't for lack of trying. It's become apparent that she is going to have to break down and take a class to figure out how to use the darn thing. But still, pictures were taken and photoshop used. Here's the results:

This one is SOOC (straight out of camera)

I boosted the colors a little on this one. Slightly better.

Here's a vintage one - kinda cool.
The actions that I used were the ones I downloaded from I'm still trying to figure out Photoshop - kinda like I'm still trying to figure out the camera. ARGH! One of these days, it will come together! I just hope it's before vacation.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Picture Toys!

This isn't exactly vacation related ~ OK, it's not vacation related at all ~ but VacationGirl got a new toy last week. Photoshop CS3. Today, while scanning the never ending pile of negatives, she decided to play around with it. And what better subject to try it out on than almost high school graduate (HSG) at prom.

First, some background - "almost HSG" decided to go to the prom but wanted to go dateless. No tux, but he wanted a vest and a shirt. (The price of which was almost as much as renting a tux). Since he is the finest looking young man on earth (yes, I'm slightly biased), I thought these would be fun to work some of the new Pioneer Woman 'actions' on these pictures. Here's the before/after:

I used an 'action' called 'Fresh and Colorful" and then 'Quick Edge Burn'. I really like the effect. So now, all I have to do is learn how to create my own Actions and I'm good to go. I have SO much to learn about Photoshop CS3 but I think by the time vacation rolls around (in 98 days but who's counting!), I should be fairly good at some of the techniques.
Bring on those snow-covered mountians!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Visions of Sugarplums???

Ok - so maybe not visions of sugarplums but I was having visions of lobsters and ultimately lobster rolls, and of course the beautiful views.

But then I started having visions of beautiful mountains and geisers and all that jazz.

Now do you see why the decision is so hard? I think we're leaning towards the mountains and I know we'll love every minute of it but I will miss not being by the ocean and having lobster, lobster, and more lobster.
I have threatened Dear Husband - there HAS to be snow on my mountains or, or, or I'll think of something but there better be snow on my mountains. Of course, that could get a little sketchy since we're going the last week of August. It will probably be the ONE week out of the whole year that the snow melts completely. Then, the week after we leave, it snows again and the mountains are snow-capped and beautiful.
Dear Husband and almost-graduated Senior don't know it yet, but if there is no snow on the mountains then we'll have a small detour up to Glacier National Park. Haven't figured out how far that it is - heard maybe another day's drive - but it will happen so we can have snow-covered mountains. (Please, please let there be snow on the Tetons so we don't have to drive!)
We won't have the luxury of driving in different, beautiful Saturns either, like some other recent U.S. travelers. Nope, we'll be driving in a gas-guzzeling Tahoe. VacationGirl loves her Tahoe but the gas prices will kill us. Guess that's even more reason to forgo the lobster treats every day~ gas in our Northern Neighborhood is even worse than in the good, 'ole U.S.
Let the planning begin!

Monday, May 05, 2008

East or West ~ Which is Best?

Which way to go - we don't know. VacationGirl and family can't seem to decide between the Grand Tetons and Nova Scotia. This is the last year for 4 years that we can take a long vacation. VacationGirl only has 3 weeks of vacation for the next 4 years since she changed jobs and she needs to use one for Spring Break, one for Christmas holidays, and one in the summer.

VacationGirl and family are leaning towards the Grand Tetons. Ok - Dear Husband and almost Graduate are leaning towards it so VacationGirl is slightly out numbered. So plans are being made and routes are being mapped and then they tell me that "Nova Scotia would be ok too".

I honestly can't decide. I see pictures of the Grand Tetons and they are beautiful but if they are not snow covered in the winter like Mt. Hood & Mt. Rainier, then VacationGirl will be VERY upset. After Colorada Springs 2 years ago, she has determined that her mountains must have snow. Now the way to ensure that would be to travel to these mountains in a month other than September but unfortunately, VacationGirl and family are at the mercy of the school systems - both High school and College. Their breaks just don't fall at the right time.

Now, Nova Scotia doesn't present those types of problems - the only issues there are not-so-good exchange rates. But after checking today, the US and Canada are almost even so it's a wash right now. It's been a few years since we've done a lighthouse tour and oceans and we would have an abundance of them on the Nova Scotia route. Those things would be rather scarce on the mountain route. Oh - and N.S. has LOBSTER - lots and lots of it. VacationGirl could have lobster for every meal - and she would.

But VacationGirl would also get to see beautiful mountains and Old Faithful if the western route was chosen. And after the Oregon trip, mountains (big one with snow) rank right up there with lighthouses. It's a tossup.

So minds will change weekly until we finally leave. Since we're being brave and not booking any hotels for either trip, it really doesn't matter.

If anyone has any thoughts - please let us know. Maybe it will help us decide.