Monday, July 25, 2005

Panic and Hope

It's been over a week since Vacation Girl's first blog post was entered. It seems senseless to have a blog if one does not use it, however, she is blaming her inertia on pre-flight panic attacks, career trepidation, and sheer laziness. When she reads other entertaining blogs, Vacation Girl suffers from severe intimidation - never in her wildest dreams could she ever write such captivating material. That revelation is depressing because she knows all of the same words - just not how to connect them in ways that won't cause her readers to run screaming from the room with boredom.

Nonetheless, Vacation Girl plunges onward into the deep abyss of blog discourse, hoping that the screams do not echo back too loudly!

Six more days until the Vacation Girl and family climb aboard the metal tube that will transport them away from the day to day worries into a world filled with lighthouses and mountains. There, Vacation Girl can forget about the stresses of not knowing what her immediate future will be and concern herself with only the hopes of encountering one of the many lighthouse dwelling ghosts that she has read so much about. She recently "discovered" 3 lighthouses that are within range of the planned and plotted route - much to her kind husband's dismay. However, he doesn't like to disappoint her so he and her son will cheerfully trudge along to see these towers of light in all their splendor. Of course, he also realizes that this now means that he must purchase even more miniature lighthouses to display in their home, collecting dust and dog hair. But Vacation Girl *MUST* have a miniature of every lighthouse visited - it's an unwritten rule that her husband abides by to keep her happy.

By the time Vacation Girl is ready to go, her immediate future will have been decided for her - she remains hopeful that it will be something good, something long term, and something that has her reporting to someone she respects. Her motto up until now has always been "it is what it is" but as decisions loom, she realizes that she does care what the outcomes are - more that she wanted to acknowledge. But the conclusion to this chapter of her life is beyond her control to some degree and she awaits her fait with anticipation, fear, and hope - always hope - and the belief that it will all work out - someway, somehow!

6 more days.....

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