Where else can you find single digit temperatures followed 3 days later with temperatures in the 50's? Where else can you find dreary, rainy days? Ok - I suppose that it could be many places in the country this time of year and I suppose there are many places a LOT worse right now. But I think I'd prefer to be here:
Of course, I hear the weather is not so great there right now. So maybe I'd go here:
But, I imagine that it's a little on the cold side there too.
So, maybe I'll just stay put ~ and snuggle in with a good book.
See ya later...
I've never heard of the Warriors but my husband is nodding in agreement. I guess he liked it too!
Bossy has gone from cold to hot to warm to chilly to hot to warm to hot to cold to damp to rainy to cold to colder to mild to chilly, and home again. Who Wha?
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