TIP - NEVER where hiking boots on long flights!
But make it, we did. Since the flight arrived at 6:31, VacationGirl had big plans to get the car, get to the hotel and then head to the space needle. Whoops! THAT'S not happening. Yes, the flight was on time, but when the person at the front the rental car line doesn't own a major credit card and is trying to come up with every way possible to rent a car anyway (and that's after spending 20 minutes trying to find the Budget counter - you know, the ONLY rental car counter that is no where near the other company's counters.), it tends to slow down the plan - finally got out of the airport and to the room (1 mile from airport) at about 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Unfortunately, our bodies think it's 11:00 p.m. so space needles will just have to wait.
Dinner at Denny's - whoo hoo! VacationGirl remembers when Denny's used to be good - but maybe those memories are colored a bit by the haze of alcohol - but it was still food. We did have a triple-priced lunch in the luxury of the Dallas-Fort Worth fast food court but by the time we arrived at our "final destination", we were ravenous! Even Denny's tasted good.
Monday we head for the land of lighthouses, bridges, and mountains. VacationGirl and family are all pretty tired tonight - so we'll just post the first pictures - from the plane on the way to Seattle.
See ya in Orego

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