Hi friends and family.....
Not too many pictures today. We took a lot but none that really jumped out and said "post me!" The almost 16 year old decided that he was going to take most of the digital pictures because "he needs to practice for his upcoming photography class." We've taken 4 rolls with the 35mm but undeveloped film does not translate well into blog posts.
Today VacationGirl and her wonderful husband found that they do in fact have more bones, muscles, and ligaments that can become sore. She's considering a petition to make all attraction accesses flat - no hills, no slopes, no stairs.
First stop was Cape Mears lighthouse. The weather is beautiful - jeans and t-shirts are the order for the day - and we're quite comfortable. Comfortable until we started down the path to the lighthouse. We were certain we had been transported to Alaska. We all headed back for sweatshirts and even that wasn't enough. Getting to Cape Mears is like walking through a wind tunnel. It's a teeny little lighthouse but because it's on a 217 foot cliff, it packs a whollup - it can be seen for 21 miles out to see. That is, if the crew doesn't turn to ice first!
Next stops, Yaquina Head Lighthouse & Yaquina Bay Lighthouses. VacationGirl was hoping for a visit from the ghosts that reportedly haunt Yaquina Head but alas, they moved south for the summer to warm their little ghostly selves. If possible, it was even colder here than at Cape Mears. Since no ghostly appearences were in the works, VacationGirl just stood at the bottom of the lighthouse, hoping feverishly that a whale would make an appearance, while Tim & Steven climbed the 104 steps to the top of the lighthouse. She learned her lesson on the first day - no climb, just look! No whales, either.
We made our way down the coast to the jewel of the trip - Heceta Head Lighthouse. Only 1/2 mile to the lighthouse - all uphill - 162 feet - very, very long feet - very, very long 1/2 mile! By now, even VacationGirl's wonderful husband is beginning to feel pain in muscles that didn't exist before this trip. Of course, the almost 16 year-old jogs half way up - walks the rest - comes down to meet us and jogs up again. VacationGirl and loving husband are beginning to plan his demise as he mocks our poor tired bodies. Ha! Just wait another 20 years! Then he'll see!!!
Heceta Head is really not all that great up close - worth the climb but not one of the more spectacular lighthouses. However, the view from a distance and from across the cliffs is worth every climb we've made - it's truly beautiful.
One of the few 'attractions' that is not a lighthouse, bridge, or mountain is near Heceta Head - the Sea Caves. Since Guiness World Records shows this as the world's largest Sea Cave, we just had to see it. It was pretty neat - it's home to at least a kazillion wild Steller sea lions. We watched one little guy trying to get back up on the rock with everyone else - he finally caught a wave that took him to the rock and he was almost up and WHOOPS - another washed him off again.
VacationGirl knows just how he feels - her body feels like it's been beat against the rocks!
There's an elevator that takes you down 200 feet into the cave (after you walk down a steep, long path that you must then walk back up after your visit) where you can observe them through the glass - definately worth the walk - and a must-see if you're ever in Florence, OR.
Starvation is beginning to set in - we decided to skip lunch for the sake of lighthouses - and after far too many of them in a 48 hour period, we're ready to crash for the day. Hmmm, maybe should have thought of that a few hours earlier before all the hotels filled up! But we found a beautiful room in Reedsport - and we're resting our weary bodies.
No posts, no pictures tomorrow - we're staying in the Crater Lake National Park and the hotel supposedly has no phones, no television, no air conditioning. Guess there's no wireless either! It's a 5 hour drive inland and from what we hear, it is beyond description. Hopefully, VacationGirl can snatch the digital camera away and take some pictures.
See ya in a few days!
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