Actually, it would be easy to fall in love with this place - really cool city. You can walk just about everywhere. And if you're into the artsy stuff, this is the place for you. We're not but there's still some neat stuff to see. Lots of old history.
On the way out of Colorado, we stopped and saw the oldest church in Colorado. Would have gone in but there was a funeral going on and we didn't think it would be too appropriate to barge in to take pictures. Did get a good outside picture though!

Churches were the theme of the day - that's about all we saw. San Miguel - the oldest church in the U.S. - and we rang the bell at San Miguel (apparently, there's some custom about that). We also saw Loretto Mission and St. Francis Cathedral. We also saw the oldest government building in use - the Palace of the Governers. The people that work/volunteer at the chapels are extremely knowledgeable and friendly - they really can tell you a lot about things.
We're staying at a really nice hotel - the Inn and Spa at Loretto - the room is done up in Southwestern decor - really pretty. Too bad I can't afford the $200 massage in the spa - oh well - I'll have to be happy just to have a room here, I guess.
Tomorrow, we're heading back north just about 20 miles to see some church that has healing dirt - apparently people make pilgrimages back here for its healing powers. Dear husband said he wants to try it on his back - we'll let you know if it heals!
After that, we're going to see a bunch of cars stuck nose first in the ground - yep - the Cadillac Ranch. Don't know why - just want to. From there, on to Frisco (near Dallas) to see a friend of the almost 18-year old's. Should be fun!
See ya later!

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