When we walked outside to start our journey to the railroad, VacationGirl was sure the vacation curse would appear and all she would have to show for the trip would be beautiful fog pictures. Pike's Peak wasn't even visable. Yesterday was SO clear ~ but not today.
Curse you vacation Gods!
But being the troupers we are (and figuring fog pictures are better than no pictures), we continued onward to the railroad. Good thing! By the time we got there (at our ridiculously early time), you could see the mountains again. Sun prevailed.
Ha! Take that vacation curse!
The ride up to the summit takes about 1.5 hours and then another 1.5 down with about 30-40 minutes on the summit. We boarded the train at 9:10 with about 3,000 other people. OK, maybe not 3,000 but it sure seemed like it. Every seat was full - actually close to 200 people. We had assigned seats so we got to experience the trip up backwards! It was ok though - we could still see good.
VacationGirl really wanted to see some black bears, mountain lions, and big horn sheep on the way up (or down). But no big, black bears popped out wanting handouts and no mountain lions made an appearance. However, we did see some of the 350 big horn sheep that make their home above the tree line. They weren't clip-clopping over the rocks, but hey, we saw them! The conductor said that we were pretty lucky as they don't usually make an appearance as close as they were. COOL!
After we reached the 14,100+ summit, VacationGirl could understand why Mr. Denver spoke of a "Rocky Mountain High" - she was a little loopy up on top! (yes, a little loopier than normal). The air up there is about 50% of what it is in Kettering so some people experience light-headiness, nausea, and some even pass out. I just felt really winded - so I drank lots of water as they suggested.
Once we reached the bottom, back in Manitou Springs, we headed to the Air Force Academy to see the Chapel and then the visitor center to buy some Air Force stuff. The chapel is really beautiful. We were up on a bridge like structure looking down at the main part of the campus and housing for the Academy. The "road" below us was about as wide as a runway - mostly concrete but edged in marble-like material. Periodically there were marble-like strips crossing the road horizonally so you ended up with lots of BIG rectangles of concrete outlined with a marble-like substance. This is important - trust me!
As we stood and watched, there were many cadets that appeared to be coming from classes (or something). Sometimes, one at a time, others in small groups - never more than 3 - 4 at a time. As the came around from wherever they were coming from they had to turn left to get on this concrete/marble "road". (I say "road" because it's what it looked like but there were no vehicles on it.) As each cadet made that left turn, each started jogging. It was kinda comical to watch because some of them would pause for just a second, take a deep breath, and then start jogging.
Well, of course VacationGirl wants to know why! There was no one there telling them they had to jog. And they each stayed on the marble part - no one jogged on the concrete. If they went from one side of the 'road' to the other, they waited until they reached one of the horizontal marble strips and then jogged on it. So why do they do this, she wonders? So she stopped a very nice looking young man in full camo and asked him. He very politely replied that he didn't know - he was a visitor himself. Then I glanced at the HUGE patch on the front of his camo's that read U.S. Army! Guess an army guy wouldn't know why the cadets jogged. Guess it will remain a mystery to VacationGirl.
We snapped a bunch of pictures of the outside of the chapel and started to leave but then decided to walk (ok, trudge - she's tired) to the far side of the chapel and actually go inside. Wow! Glad we did that! The inside is absolutely beautiful - worth the trip up to the Academy! The pictures do NOT do it justice - it is much prettier than the pictures show.
Don't know what's on the agenda for tomorrow. We decided that it was too far to head to the Sand Dunes for the day. Maybe Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame, maybe US Olympic Training Center, maybe the cliff dwelling houses, maybe nothing! Who knows! Decisions will be made in the morning!
See ya then!

View from the top
A.F.A. Chapel
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