Friday, August 22, 2008

go Go GO

On the road again
Just can't wait to get on the road again.....

Whoo hoo ~ we're on the road again. Left Ohio at 2:33 EST after lunching at Taco Bell. Now there's something you want to eat just before riding in a car for endless hours!

VacationGirl drove since Dear Husband only got about 1 hour of sleep before hitting the road. The route was selected - I70 through St. Louis to Kansas then up 29 to I80. We missed the mind-numbing cornfields of Iowa but trust us - Indiana, Illinois and Missouri aren't much better. And tomorrow brings Kansas and Nebraska. Whoo hoo!

We did get to see the Arch in a background of a beautiful, pink sunset! It would have made a beautiful picture. But the sky would have lost the color by the time we got down to a place where we could take a picture. However, I was lucky enough to get some pictures of the fine restaurant where VacationGirl, Dear Husband, and 19-year old relaxed for a quiet, relaxing dinner in a wonderful setting. See for yourself...

This was such a high class place, they even had signs for those less fortunate that were forced to take their food to a place without the atmosphere that VacationGirl and family experienced.

This wonderful meal was eaten in Vandalia, Illinois - home of the oldest state capitol building. It served as the state capitol from 1836 - 1839. Abraham Lincoln started his political career in this building.

The evening ended for us in Warrenton, Missouri. One of us is sleeping already, the other is in bed and watching TV, and VacationGirl is heading towards the pillow too...
See ya tomorrow.

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