We finally made it to Jackson around 6:30 p.m. We came by way of Thermopolis and Cody which then routes you through Yellowstone. It's beautiful country but when you want to get somewhere fast, it is not the route to take. We have plans to visit Yellowstone on our way out ~and we still will but now we know what we're in for.
Some buffalo were vegging near the road so everyone had to stop and take pictures (us included). But people never cease to amaze VacationGirl and family. There were 3 girls - probably early 20's and each one had stand as close as possible to the one buffalo that had singled himself out from the herd while another girl took a picture. Fortunately, there was a ranger sitting there to made sure that no dummies got too close. We just sat and laughed. It would have been funnier if he had moved and freaked them out.
We did finally see mountains - but with the typical family curse ~ dark clouds. It's either fog or dark clouds. This time it was particulary amusing, because the sky all around was the most beautiful blue with stikingly white fluffly clouds. You know ~ the ones that you could spend hours 'seeing' things in them. yeh, well, that beautiful sky and fluffly clouds existed everywhere except over the ONE mountain that VacationGirl wanted a picture of. But pictures were snapped anyway - dark clouds or not.
Not quite sure what's on tap for Tuesday...I guess we'll figure it out in the morning. Until then...

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