Moose are elusive little suckers! And don't let anyone tell you any differently.
VacationGirl, Dear Husband, and 19 year old got to bed a little later than normal Tuesday night. If you remember, we had gone to the Jackson Hole Playhouse to see 'The Ballad of Cat Ballou" ~ and we're still laughing about the show. It was great! But we got to bed around midnight which isn't late in the grand scheme of things. BUT, moose-trackers Eextraordinaire have to get up mighty early to outwit the moose.
So the alarm went off at 5:00. It was still dark out and Dear Husband and 19 year old weren't moving. The funniest thing happened, though. VacationGirl made lots of noise getting dressed this morning. I have no idea why that happened.
Eventually, the other 2 stirred and we got on the road at 5:30. It was still dark. Interestingly enough, they have large lighted signs at different intervals to let you know that there is wildlife on the roadways. I was expecting to see huge parties of animals out having a good old time but it must have their night off.
We finally got up to Oxbow Turnout and surprise! We were NOT the first ones to arrive. There are actually others as crazy as us. Well, actually, many of the people were photographers, waiting for the sunrise. I couldn't figure out why until I walked down to where they were all set up ~ and then it became clear. One of the mountains was beautifully reflected in the Snake River. I got some cool pictures. None are edited yet (too tired tonight again) but even unedited, they are pretty. And surprisinly enough, not one of them contains a moose.
So, after freezing our collective rear ends off (32 degrees in the morning), we headed down to find a lake where the moose hang out. One of the actresses in the show had told us about it. We drove down dirt roads and never did find the lake ~ or any moose ~ but there were signs all over the place telling us that it was a great place for them. Sure wish someone had told the moose. But the vacation is not over yet - there is still hope for a real, live moose.
Wildlife spottings were not completely a loss ~ we did see a herd of elk and got a few pictures of them. They were pretty, but not moose.
After the moose hunting expedition, we went back to the hotel to sleep some more. You'll love this - we had the "Do Not Disturb" sign on our room door. So around noon, we got a phone call from the front desk asking if we really didn't want to be disturbed and if we really didn't want our room made up. Well duh! We got a chuckle from it.
Since we were all awake, we decided to walk down to town and check out the stores. I'm pretty sure that Dear Husband and 19 year old went in every store in Jackson. Two hours later, I bailed and walked back to the room and started doing some laundry. (fun times, I know).
Dinner was good - expensive - but good. We're finding that there is no cheap meal in Jackson. and I mean NO cheap meal. After the meal we headed to the local rodeo. It could have been a lot of fun but we had some horribly annoying people right behind us. After about 45 minutes, we decided to bail and head back to the room.
Tomorrow is another moose expedition on our way out of Jackson ~ heading towards Old Faithful. Yeh, yeh, yeh - typical tourist - but it's here and we have to see it once in our lifetime (or twice for Dear Husband). Then it's on up to Montana.
See ya then,
Enjoy the pics...