Monday, December 24, 2007

'Twas the Day Before Christmas

'Twas the day before Christmas
And all through the house,
The only thing stirring was
My wireless mouse.

The 18 year old's gone
Dear Husband's asleep
The dog's in the kennel
There's nary a peep.

That's taxed my rhyming skills so I'll quite while I'm ahead. We hopefully will be heading out around 5:00 in the morning. There should be little or no traffic so we should be able to breeze down to North Carolina. Then I can start taking pictures and post them here so you can see the "ranch".

So for now, I'm going to play games and wait till it's time to fix Dear Husband something to eat before he heads to work. I've got a nice sirloin just waiting in the frig.

So have a wonderful Christmas Eve - see ya later.

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